249D EGM

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X64 Gold

Gold production in the Philippines

Gold exploration in Queensland

About X64

We are an Australian based gold producer, focused on growth in the Asia Pacific Region.

The Company's flagship project is the Co-O Gold Mine which has been continuously producing gold for well over a decade.

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Aerial view of Co-O Gold Mine

X64 Projects

X64 operates across South East Asia and Australia.

Click on a region to explore our projects and operations.

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Our Queensland assets include a pipeline of exploration targets that have been built and advanced by the team over the past five years.

Location:  Southern Drummond Basin

Size: 4,150 km2 exploration land package

Granted tenements: 25

Gold deposit target styles:
Intrusion-related, high-grade epithermal


The Co-O Gold Mine has been continuously producing gold for more than a decade.

Location:  Central Eastern Mindanao

Size: 122 km2 of tenements

Strike length: Ore body strike length 2.10 km

Operated by:  Philsaga Mining Corporation

Regional exploration continued to advance through the year with the completion of drilling at the Royal Crowne Vein Project.

Location:  Central Eastern Mindanao

Size: 122 km2 of tenements

Strike length: Ore body strike length 2.10 km

Operated by:  Philsaga Mining Corporation


X64 Projects

X64 operates across South East Asia and Australia.


X64 operates across South East Asia and Australia. Here are our top projects.

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Miner replanting trees for sustainable growth
A man checking for disease in surrounding trees
Man getting water sample from creek for water testing


X64 remains committed to the future of responsible and sustainable mining
What we’re aiming for
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