
Ten Sixty Four secured a 100% interest in Ten Sixty Four Queensland’s (“1064”) 4,150 km2 exploration land package in the southern Drummond Basin region of Central Queensland.

  • The Drummond Basin assets include a pipeline of exploration targets that were originally built and advanced by the 1064 team. X64 is now looking to build on those exploration efforts.
  • Intrusion-Related Gold Systems have proven to be big and very valuable, bulk tonnage deposits.
  • These deposits are typically undercover and require the application of geophysics and detailed soil analysis prior to drilling.

The region is endowed with over 17.5Moz of known gold resources including five deposits >1Moz.

The portfolio features three large targets as priority.
  • Monteagle is an 18km strike along a regional structural boundary with high-grade rock chip samples. One diamond drill hole intersected a large breccia pipe with significant hydrothermal veining.
  • Mt Wilkin is a 5.5km2 alteration footprint with a 950m x 650m gold in soil anomaly.
  • Nivram is a 2km long gold in soil anomaly identified within a 15km-wide eroded caldera. Targeting a low sulphidation, high grade epithermal deposit.


Geology and Style of Mineralisation

Monteagle is a Rhyolite breccia complex (confirmed IRGS) localised on the western margin of the Anakie basement block adjacent to the Drummond basin. It is localised in an early Carboniferous basin-bounding fault; this geological setting hosts numerous other multi-thousand ounce Au deposits (Twin Hills, Yandan, Lone Sister). Metal association from drill hole intersect indicates a Sb-As-Au-Te anomaly. Mineralisation continues open at depth and along strike.

Work completed

Geologic mapping, rock chip and soil sampling and IP line that defined a drill target (CEI DD hole completed in October 2020).

Achievements to Date

  • Diamond drill hole completed, intersected 118m (75m true width) of a breccia pipe from 244m; intersect shows significant hydrothermal veining and mineralisation metal association of Au, As and Sb. Significant intersect includes 1m @ 0.86 g/t Au, from 277m (apparent width).

Mt Wilkin

Geology and Style of Mineralisation

Geologic and alteration mapping, rock chip and soil sampling, 2 IP lines and 18 shallow slimline RC holes.

Work completed

Mt Wilkin is a Permo-Carboniferous Rhyolite and breccia complex that form part of the Silver Hill Volcanics. The alteration footprint is 2.7 km x 2 km with a 950m x 650m Au soil anomaly halo. Metal association is similar to the upper levels of the 2 Moz Mt Rawdon deposit encouraging 1064 to continue exploring in depth.

Achievements to Date

  • RC drilling campaign identified Te-As-Pb-Ag-Zn metal association. Mineralisation intersected includes 3m @ 2.16 g/t Au from 42m in hole MWR006. (apparent width).
  • Soil samples identified another 900m x 900m Au anomaly located just 2.8km to the south west of the drilling area.


Geology and Style of Mineralisation

  • Low sulphidation epithermal hosted within a large caldera (11km) complex in Devonian – Carboniferous rhyolites  – Pajingo analogy.
  • Extensive sinters in the area.

Work completed

Geologic and alteration mapping, rock chip and soil sampling and IP line.

Achievements to Date

  • Soil samples identified 2 km long gold target under shallow alluvial cover.